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Empower Families

In 2023-2024 we explored Building Families Strengths through The Principles of Parenting series.  This series provides tips and information to support positive parenting and family relations.  Videos were made by our district staff volunteers who believe we are all in this together.  

We are parents helping parents!

All families have stress at some time over time, money, and outside pressures. Sometimes homes can become the place where everyone is worn out or angry. Despite these difficulties, families can become stronger and closer by building their strengths.


How can families be strengthened in ordinary times and difficult times?

Researchers have worked on answers to this question for years. Seven important family strengths are discussed here, along with tips for activities that may help build or improve these strengths. They are Caring and Appreciation, Commitment, Communication, Community and Family Ties, Working Together, Routines PLUS Flexibility, and Teaching Responsibility.

As you read and listen about each of these family strengths, think about what stress might be affecting your whole family today. All of these strengths are interconnected.

BFS: Caring and Appreciation -Expressions of care and appreciation strengthen families. When families encourage and uplift each other, they reassure family member that they are still loved, even if they make mistakes.












BFS: Committment -Strong families are committed to each other. They value the things that make their family special. Even when times are hard, they work on problems together. They make time for each other and communicate.












BFS: Communication - Families are stronger when members share...period! We experience good and bad together so it only makes sense to discuss our good and bad together. Families that make the time to listen and respond to what others have to say grow in their bonds.












BFS: Working Together - Working together as a family means sharing decisions, solving family problems, and helping each other. Everyone participates. Parents are the leaders, but the children’s opinions and efforts are invited, encouraged, and appreciated

BFS: Family & Community Ties -Families are more resilient when they can draw on other people and community organizations for support. If a family has a hard time dealing with a problem, asking for help from outside the family may provide ideas, empathy, or sometimes, a practical solution. Being involved with community institutions like schools, faith organizations, or organizations that promote well-being strengthens families. When families already have relationships, they can share a problem before it grows into a crisis.












BFS: Routines PLUS Flexibility - Changes in life are unavoidable. As in the story at the beginning, families are reshaped by birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, illness, and death. Families move to different communities. Children get older. Adults switch jobs or retire. Family relationships are stronger when they can adapt to these changes. At the same time, families develop habits, routines, and a set of rules. These patterns are ways to deal with day-to-day life.












BFS: Teaching Responsibility - Parents like children to be responsible, but it starts by modeling responsibility for one’s own behavior. Admitting mistakes, working toward goals, accepting supportive feedback, and helping others are ways of modeling responsibility. You are teaching when you do this!












Reflect On Your Family’s Strengths -  Think about the family story at the beginning of your own family story. What would a crisis reveal? What are your family’s secret superpowers that would help you get through a crisis?


Spend some time together, as a family, thinking about your family’s strengths. Ask each person to share their thoughts. Different people have different viewpoints. Which family strengths get an A+? Does everyone feel the same?


Celebrate your strengths!  As a family, choose one strength that can help your family grow. Become involved in activities that will help your family build that strength. Ask for help and ideas from your friends, family, or community. Agree on a special way you will celebrate your work in building family strengths!

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